Choosing the Right Sediment Filters for Your Well

If you are living out in a rural area, chances are your water supply comes from a well. Well water has its benefits but there are elements and sediments to be aware of. In order to make sure your well water has no sediments, you will need to install string wound sediment filters. You can find a string wound sediment filter easily online. However, there are different types of filters that you should be aware of. Filters come in different sizes to fit your particular application. The best sediment filter for well water depends on the type of well system you are running.
Therefore, you need to figure out the size of pleated sediment filter that will fit your well application. A sediment filter for well water will most likely be made of polypropylene. Cotton, nylon and rayon are other materials used for string wound sediment filters. You can choose different types of filters for your well water as well. A string wound sediment filter provides excellent protection against particles and contaminants like formaldehyde and phenols. As you can see, well water sediment filters are very important for making sure you and your family has access to clean drinking water.