Three Reasons Why You Should Buy On The Outer Banks

Buying a home — especially a property meant primarily for vacationing — can be nerve-wracking at first. It’s one thing to buy a house in the place where you primarily live, another entirely to consider a beach property. Yet many people are talking to their realtors about properties on the Outer Banks for just this reason. Why? For one thing, it’s becoming trend to own a condo on the Outer Banks. For another thing, many buyers are realizing that they don’t have to wait a long time before buying a the vacation house or condo of their dreams — in 2014, the average first-time home buyer was 31, while the typical repeat buyer was 53. Hardly what we’d call ancient! That same year, 33% of buyers were first-time buyers, indicating that the market as of now is really one targeted towards first-timers, whether it’s your first home ever or simply your first vacation home. But still — what is drawing people to the Outer Banks in particular? As you’ll discover in this article, there are plenty of reasons why people are turning to the Outer Banks now more than ever, and putting down roots there. With that being said, let’s look at the top reasons why you should consider a beach property on the Outer Banks.
1. The Wildlife
When it comes to natural wonder, the Outer Banks are truly unique. It can be difficult to find a place that truly has abundant wildlife in the United States. Our country is very industrialized, and many people feel like they have to cut themselves off from society to really get in touch with nature. As anyone who has lived on the Outer Banks can attest, this is not true. While a beach property on the Outer Banks is quiet, it’s not in the “middle of nowhere”; it mixes the best of both worlds, getting people the privacy and beauty that they want without sacrificing modern conveniences. People often go fishing on the Outer Banks, and find that there’s still plenty to catch. It’s a great activity for small children, and the outdoorsy feeling of the Outer Banks in general gets kids away from modern technology and lets them focus on getting back in touch with the natural world. The Outer Banks are also famous for being home to wild ponies. Wild horses are certainly difficult to find in the United States, making the chance to see them on the Outer Banks truly breathtaking.
2. Southern Culture
When you buy a beach property on the Outer Banks, you’d better be ready for some true southern living. This means peace and quiet, as well as taking it a lot easier than what you might be used to. Southerners pride themselves on approaching life with a slower pace, and enjoying each day. You’ll find that your neighbors will be friendly, the food will be great, and the pace will slow down in a good way. You’ll be able to ignore your troubles and take part in family activities, as well as go to town when you want and check out some interesting shops. The great thing about the Outer Banks is that they afford you the opportunity to spend all day at the beach if you want to, without feeling like you have to put yourself through this big ordeal that you would if you were traveling hours. Once you have a beach property on the Outer Banks, all you have to do is pack up and go when you’re ready.
3. The Investment
Any good real estate agent can tell you that when you buy a home on the Outer Banks, you’re making an investment. This doesn’t just apply to the idea of selling the home in the future — you could keep your home, and rent it out when you aren’t there. This makes it a great investment property. To find a great investment on the Outer Banks, make sure you use a realtor — there’s a reason why 98% of homebuyers consider realtors valuable sources of information.