3 Ways Your Business Will Benefit From Recycling

3 Ways Your Business Will Benefit From Recycling


Pickup garbage

By now, most of us know that we should make an effort to recycle whenever we can. But the difference between knowing and doing can be a significant one, especially for many businesses. As a business owner, you may not realize that recycling does more good than simply knowing you’re helping our planet. Though environmental preservation is an excellent reason to use recycling services, you can help both your company and our earth by reducing your waste and opting to recycle as much as possible. Here are three reasons why you need to make recycling an important part of your waste management routine:

  1. Environmentally friendly
    Yes, the most obvious benefit to recycling is that it’s an eco-friendly practice. Recycling reduces pollution and green house gas emissions. It also helps reduce landfill waste. You may not think about the importance of being an environmentally friendly company when you’re focused on the bottom line. But the truth is that your company will actually look better to potential customers if they see you’re making an effort to eliminate waste by adopting more responsible practices. It won’t deter current clients and may actually secure new ones who are concerned about our environment. By doing your part to reduce harmful pollutants, you can be secure in the knowledge that you’ll be helping our planet and will be making a good impression on customers.
  2. Good for employees
    Not only will your recycling effort look good to customers, but it will also make a good impression on employees. A 2008 National Geographic survey found than more than 80% of U.S. workers felt it was important to work for an organization that prioritizes preservation of the environment. Making the effort to recycle makes employees significantly happier, which can only stand to benefit your business. In addition, using recycling services creates jobs. Although waste management facilities do this as well, statistics show that there are four recycling industry jobs for every one job in the waste management industry. That means that you’ll be supporting another growing industry by implementing this positive business practice.
  3. Cost-effective
    Believe it or not, using those recycling bins can save (or even earn) you money! Of course, not all garbage can be recycled, so trash removal will probably always play a part in your waste management needs. But garbage pickup costs are often determined by the amount of trash that needs to be removed. Those costs can add up quickly. Choosing to use recycling services whenever possible means that you can reduce the amount of garbage that needs to be picked up by your commercial trash service. That results in a big savings for you. And in some states, you may even be paid to recycle! Certain areas actually offer incentives for businesses who use recycling services as an effort to reduce waste. On the whole, it costs less to run a recycling plant than a waste management facility, so your costs for using a recycling company will also be less. You’ll be saving green in more ways than one!

By reducing your overall waste and making good use of recycling services whenever possible, your business will be sure to benefit. Recycling doesn’t take additional effort (especially compared to the money you’ll save), and your employees will be glad to do their part. If you don’t currently have a recycling plan, what are you waiting for? Make sure your business doesn’t get left behind and start recycling today.

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