4 Tips for Achieving the Lawn of Your Dreams This Summer

Some might say that it is a science to have a naturally healthy lawn that also looks nice. Head to your local home improvement store and you are likely to be overwhelmed at the number of options available for lawn care service. There are weed killers, products that claim to grow your grass, and organic lawn care. How can you choose the right products and lawn care techniques for your lawn?
Use water efficient methods
A sustainable landscaping presentation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that watering lawns accounts for 30 to 60% of water consumption during the summer months. Although water may be necessary for a clean looking lawn, many people use too much. Changing to a more efficient source of water can ensure that your lawn gets the water that it needs, without also wasting the valuable resource. Water efficient methods include hose attachments and timed sprinkler systems.
Use organic pesticides
Bugs and other rodents can quickly ruin the condition of the lawn. Pesticides can be extremely beneficial in not only ridding the lawn of these pesky bugs, but can also prevent them from coming back. However, many of the pesticides on the market today contain extremely harsh chemicals. These chemicals are harmful to children, pets, and birds. Eventually, the chemicals wash away from the lawn and into the drains, causing an even worse problem.
Instead, choose a pesticide that is made with organic ingredients. It will still complete its purpose, without being a danger to those around your lawn care. Environmentally responsible lawn care also means using fewer pesticides. If you use the right type of product, you do not have to use as much. Close to 70 million pounds of pesticides (including herbicides) are applied to US lawns each year. This is approximately ten times the amount applied to American farmland, acre for acre.
Use turf grass for easy maintenance
Even with the best pesticides and watering techniques, your lawn could still be left brown and unappealing. Turf grass is a great option for those struggling with their lawn care and for those who do not have the time available for regular lawn care services. Turf grass is an alternative type of grass that is easier to grow and is much denser than normal grass. It improves the overall look of the yard and can actually provide cooling properties to both the yard and the house, thus reducing home energy bills. In a well maintained, thick 10,000 square foot (929 square meters) lawn, there will be 6 turf plants per square inch (25.4 millimeters), 850 turf plants per square foot (30.45 square meters) for a total of 8.5 million turf plants around the yard.
Hire a professional
Using the best products available for lawn care service is a great way to improve the look of your yard. However, creating a lawn that is visually appealing and naturally healthy takes a lot of work. You are likely to find that it takes many hours per week to achieve the overall look you desire. Sometimes, hiring a professional is a better option. They are familiar with the best organic techniques and can efficiently keep up with necessary lawn care service maintenance.
Many Americans feel that their lawn is an important part of their home. They spend hours and thousands of dollars per year attempting to improve the condition of the lawn. A lot of these hours and dollars are wasted on expensive and dangerous chemicals that do little to improve the lawn. Instead, invest in a water efficient system, utilize organic pesticides, consider turf grass for especially tough climates, and know when to outsource your lawn care services.