Are You Careful About the Environmental Impact of the Lawn Products That You Use?

To say that environmentalists are concerned with the new President would be an understatement. In fact, the announcement that Trump withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord brought about concerns and complaints from politicians, private citizens, big city mayors, state governors, and large company CEOs all did more than just complain. Many have moved into action committing to still meet the environmental guidelines that all but three countries in the world now support. Putting America as one of only three nations that is not governmentally committed to the Paris Accord has driven even more environmentalists to make a difference.
As an individual home owner, many are becoming increasingly aware of what they can do to play their part in climate control and addressing other important air and water safety measures. In the forefront this time of year is the effort that many home and property owners are making to use environmentally responsible lawn care services and organic lawn care products to achieve a naturally healthy lawn.
- Grass plants, by wait, are 75% to 80% water.
- Retail companies that work to attract those interested in organic lawn care can grow a large audience of consumers.
- Establishing a relationship with environmentally responsible lawn care services can help you make the most green choices for year round care for your lawn, shrubs, flowers, and trees.
- Everyone, even a single home owner can have a positive impact on the future of our planet. Taking the first step to hire environmentally responsible lawn care services can provide with information about how you can have a great lawn with organic and earth friendly practices.
- Neighborhood associations can make a commitment to hiring environmentally responsible lawn care services to maintain public green spaces.
- Community gardens that promote organically sourced produce can also make a commitment to using products that are more environmentally friendly.
- A healthy, dense lawn prevents run-off because it is able to absorb rainfall six times more effectively than a wheat field and four times more effectively than a hay field.
- Research by the Virginia Cooperative Extension’s publication Nutrient Management for Lawn Service Companies states that some fungicides and pesticides can kill 60% to 90%, or more, of the earthworms where they are applied.
- Estimates alarmingly indicate that 40% to 60% of nitrogen from fertilizer runs off or leaches away and eventually ends up in surface or surface water, including wells.
- Furry friends like family pets also benefit from the use of environmentally safe lawn products.
- Organic lawn care products continue to grow in popularity as more and more consumers become concerned about the environment.
- Research about local lawn care companies can help you determine if they use organic, and other environmentally safe, products.
- Going to a turfgrass surface helps control pollution, trapping much of an estimated 12 million tons, 10.9 million metric tons, of dust and dirt released annually into the US atmosphere.
- Research from a sustainable landscaping presentation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that watering lawns accounts for 30% to 60% of water consumption during the hot monthes of summer.
- Estimates indicate that 70 million pounds of pesticides, including herbicides, are applied to U.S. lawns every year. This is approximately ten times the amount applied to American farmland, when acre for acre comparisons are made.
- Environmental studies show that 60 to 70 million birds die from pesticide poisoning each year just in the US.
- No want make decisions that will have a negative impact on the future our children will have.
- Leaving grass a little longer, usually between two and half and three and a half inches, saves energy and typically improves a lawn’s health.
- A soil test will tell a home owner what the pH level is and whether the soil needs extra nutrients. Most grasses, according to lawn and garden experts, do best in a soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0.
- Whether or not you believe in the positive aspects of global initiatives like the Paris Climate Forum, it is still important to make sure that you are making well researched lawn care decisions that will not negatively impact local water sources.
- New products continue to be developed that can promote a green and healthy lawn without sacrificing the health of our environment.
- Start achieving a naturally healthy lawn while at same time you are making environmentally friendly choices.