Do It Yourself Interior Painting Tips

Painting your own homes interior walls is more than a practice in patience, arm, and shoulder strength. Home wall painting designs can transform a room from blah to fabulous in as little as one day. Before you embark on this home improvement task, there are few interior painting tips to ensure your project is fun instead of tedious.
Before you begin the first brush stroke of your interior home painting project, the first interior painting tips begin in the hardware or paint store. What are your home painting ideas? What color or design are you planning on painting home interior? Are you painting mobile home walls or an accent wall? Once you have selected a color palette or color scheme, be sure to choose an array of samples that might fit into your color preferences. Take these samples or swatches home and see how they look on your walls.
Once a color is chosen, the next few interior painting tips include preparation. Cover and or remove any furniture from the room you are painting. And use a drop cloth. No matter how cautious you are, paint will drip. The next step in interior painting tips involves placing the blue painters masking tape. The blue tape will protect fixtures such as light switches, outlets, window or door frames, and will protect the edges of your walls and ceilings.
The next interior painting tips involve preparing the walls. Make sure the walls are clean, and if there are any holes, you must repair with a spackling compound. This, too, can be purchased at your hardware or paint store. This step is a must before the next step; painting the ceiling (if painting your ceiling is part of your project). If painting your ceiling, you can begin this stage while your repaired holes dry and set.
There is an order in which you should paint your room according to established interior painting tips; ceiling, walls, windows and doors, and trim. If you are a painting a lighter color over an existing darker color, interior painting tips may include using a primer. This ensures your new coat of paint is true to its intended color. This step also saves money because you do not have to paint coat after endless coat thereby unnecessarily wasting pricey paint. When you being painting the walls, interior painting tips suggest that you load your paint roller with fresh paint, paint a large M shape, and then fill that area in. Each segment of your walls should be painted in four by four foot blocks while you blend the edges of each area together.
Last but not least, be sure you leave enough drying time. If you need a second coat, interior painting tips suggest at least three hours between coats. If you do not need a second coat, interior painting tips suggest you let the room dry overnight before replacing fixtures, hardware, and furniture. These interior painting tips can make your project look like it was done by a pro!