Important Tips for Appliance Inspections

One of the most important parts of buying a home is the inspection process. The inspection process ensures that you do not purchase something that will end up costing you a fortune in repairs. Many mortgage companies actually require an inspection to protect their investment of the loan. If the inspection does not pass, the loan might not be approved. These are important parts of the inspection that are often overlooked, but could end up costing you a lot later on.
Refrigerator inspections
Many housing offers include the appliances with the sale. If this is the case with your housing offer, you want to make sure that the appliances are in good working order. You are not getting them for free, you are paying for them through your mortgage. In 2014, the average cost to repair an appliance was $254 to $275, so you want to make sure they are working properly when you close on the house. You can inspect the refrigerator by testing out how cold it gets. Place an item in the fridge overnight and then check it again the next day. Also, listen for any loud noises that could indicate a problem.
Dishwasher inspections
Dishwashers are often considered a luxury in a household. But, if they are rolled into your mortgage, you also want to make sure it is working properly. Don?t pay for something that you won?t be able to use. Inspect the dishwasher by running a quick load. Test out the hot water and the rinsing ability. You can also have your inspector take a look at the mechanical aspect of the dishwasher. If you require a dishwasher repair, make sure you have it completed before closing on the house.
Oven inspections
The oven is often one of the most important appliances in the household. Without an oven, you are unable to cook for your family. Your gas range oven should last 15 years before you have to think about replacing it. It is not only important to have your oven inspected, but to also get model information from the seller. If you know when the oven was purchased and what year it is, you can get a better idea of when you should expect to replace it. Oven repairs can be expensive, so make sure it is properly inspected and any repairs are made before closing on the house.
Washing machine inspections
If the washer and dryer are included in the housing sale, make sure you also have them inspected. Your washing machine should last 10 years minimum before you have to think about replacing it. Things to look for during a washing machine inspection include odd sounds, weird smells, and clothing that is not completely washed or rinsed. Many homeowners do not think to run a load of clothes through the washer during the inspection, but this is the best way to test it out. If you require any washing machine repairs, make sure the seller?s take care of them before closing on the sale.
What to do if an appliance fails the inspection
It is possible that one of your household?s appliances will fail the inspection process. If this occurs, you can go back to the seller and request that they take care of it before closing. In most cases, they are willing to repair it in order for the sale to go through. Your realtor will be an important part of this communication. Make sure you list the exact repairs. If there is a refrigerator problem, provide them with documentation of what is wrong with the refrigerator.
A lot of home sellers will throw in the appliances in order to sell their house faster. Yet, many home buyers make the mistake of having the appliances inspected before closing on the house. If you are paying for the appliances in your mortgage, it is important to have them inspected and if needed, repaired at the sellers? expense.