Starting A Lawn Care Business

Starting A Lawn Care Business


Lawn maintenance companies are a perfect choice for those who are thinking of starting a new business. If you want to learn more, then this video is a perfect option.
There is no shortage of yards in the United States, making the lawn care industry an excellent place to start a business.

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The lawn care business is thriving, bringing in $76 billion in sales each year and expanding at a 3.4% yearly rate. Lawns are here to stay, at least for the time being.
In the first year, many lawn care entrepreneurs make $5,000 to $50,000. After a while in business, they can make up to $250,000 a year. In other words, running a lawn care service has a lot of potential for profit.
The cost of a mower, whipper snipper, leaf blower, and a trailer to transport it all could be all that’s needed to get the business off the ground. Alternatively, you might pay up to $100,000 to purchase an established lawn care or landscaping business.
The cost of a mower, whipper snipper, leaf blower, and a trailer to transport it all could be all that’s needed to get the business off the ground. As an alternative, if you’re looking to purchase into an existing lawn care or landscaping business, the price might be as high as $100,000. This video will discuss more about lawn maintenance companies and is a must-watch. .

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