Test Your Hydrant in Minutes With These Easy Steps

Test Your Hydrant in Minutes With These Easy Steps


Fires must be put out, and as such, fire services and municipalities are becoming more concerned about the functionality of fire hydrants. As such, hydrant testing is done primarily to determine whether water is accessible and to locate any potential flaws in the hydrant system. This video will show how to perform a hydrant flow test.

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Hydrants are part of our infrastructure and serve as vital firefighting tools. They provide emergency services throughout the year but only function during fires or other disasters. That’s why a hydrant flow test is conducted to check whether the hydrant works properly. If the hydrant does not operate, it should be fixed immediately.

When setting up the equipment, connect the hose to the remote reader. Use a spanner or wrench to tighten the gauge cap. Attach the gauge for static residual pressure. After that, shut off the valve and note the static pressure in the system. Open the gate valve to let water flow through the hose. Using the gauge, record the flow rate and the remaining system pressure. To complete the experiment, gently shut the gate valve.

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