Waste Not, Want Not How to Turn Yard Waste Into Eco-friendly Treasure

Waste Not, Want Not How to Turn Yard Waste Into Eco-friendly Treasure


Grand rapids garbage

If you’re anything like most Americans, then you do your best to take advantage of local recycling services and trendy recycling tips or hacks. After all, if everyone does their part to preserve the environment as an individual, then a collective effort becomes much more effective.

Although the emphasis on “going green” is very much necessary, people often forget to think outside the box when it comes to recycling and sustainability. For example, most people choose to recycle their cans, bottles, and even their used clothing, but think nothing of throwing their yard waste out with the trash.

Being environmentally responsible involves a lot more than just tossing paper, plastic, and cans in recycling bins. It means taking a raw and honest look at your entire lifestyle, including how you manage yard waste. Here’s how to get the most out of your yard waste and turn it into eco-friendly treasure:

The grass is always greener…

…when you grasscyle. No, really, it is. Instead of collecting grass clippings and throwing them away, consider grasscycling. When grass clippings are left on the lawn, they eventually compose, break down, and return precious nutrients to the soil. In order for this to be most effective however, avoid cutting grass that is over an inch eye. Larger grass clippings can lead to a patchy or spotty lawn.

Make More Mulch

Did you that common yard waste such as dried leaves, shredded wood, and branches can be used to make mulch? Store-bought mulch is often laden with harsh and harmful chemicals, which can pose a hazard to the environment, pets, small children, and water supplies. Instead of tossing out your dried leaves and dead tree branches, shred them into a nutrient-rich mulch that will feed your lawn instead of hurting it.

Come on and compost already

Most people associate composting with eco-hippies that live on a remote, homestead commune. However it’s entirely possible to compost anywhere, even in crowded metropolitan and urban areas. In addition to kitchen waste, yard waste is the perfect addition to any compost pile, whether it’s in the city or on the farm. Packed with essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, yard waste breaks down in a rich, nourishing compost that can turn any thumb green.

You don’t have to be an “eco warrior” or even an environmental activist to save the world. All you have to do is make small, impactful changes that yield big results. In addition to recycling cans, bottles, and paper, repurposing yard waste is a great way to do your part in being environmentally responsible.

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