Acoustic Design for Musical Spaces

Acoustic Design for Musical Spaces


Ceiling clouds

Acoustic design professionals use ceiling clouds and sound isolation wall panels for multiple purposes. They are used to absorb sound to eliminate ambient noise. Acoustical accent clouds come in a variety of styles and are also used as design elements. When used for a ceiling, they can be used to cover up features like exposed plumbing or HVAC ductwork.

Why bother with soundproofing?
Research and experience show that most spaces, whether residential or public, would benefit from the use of acoustic building products to control sound and acoustics. Whether the purpose is to reduce loud noises or distracting ambient sound, or to improve the quality of sound within a given space, acoustic ceiling products and sound wall panels can be used in a number of different ways.
Loud noises are proven to be harmful to health. Prolonged exposure to loud noise over 40 decibels actually increases the risk of heart disease. And people who are exposed to sounds of 85 decibels or louder on a regular basis are at risk for hearing loss.

How do acoustic ceiling panels work?
Tiles and panels such as sound isolation wall panels are used to keep exterior sound from entering a space. They also help to prevent echoes, reverberation and distortion of interior sound, making communications much clearer. In musical spaces like practice or recording studios or concert halls, both considerations are equally important.
Acoustic ceiling tiles are also used as design elements, to cover unsightly features like plumbing and HVAC wiring and ducts. Acoustic ceiling tiles give architects and designers a twofer benefit, improving sound quality and creating an attractive ceiling design.

Acoustic tiles as design elements
Acoustic clouds can be made of tiles or panels. These can be straight or curved. They can cover the entire wall or ceiling, to achieve the desired look. Sound isolation wall panels likewise can be used to add design elements to a space. Many come with fabric covers and attractive nature prints.
For musicians, acoustical design is of the highest importance. Having a practice space where they can rehearse and try out new music without outside noice interference is a necessity. Of the 173,300 people who worked as musicians in 2014, about two-fifths were self-employed.
Practicing in the basement or garage may sound romantic but without a properly soundproofed space, it’s difficult to assess the quality of your work.

Whether it’s for a residential or a public building such as a school, hospital, gym, shopping center, or office, ceiling tiles and sound isolation wall panels can create a comfortable space.

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