Common AC Problems

In this video, you will learn about air conditioning repair. There are some common issues that can happen with AC units. There are some tips that you can follow so that you can perform regular maintenance on your AC unit, so it does not need as many repairs.
Every house he goes through he writes down what he did and what the issue was. He wanted to consolidate the most common issues so he could make a list and how to prevent these issues with general maintenance. A bad capacitor is one of the top problems that people face. He goes inside the unit to check the filter and sees that it is really dirty. Coming in second place, an AC unit is a permanently sealed system. A leaky unit is a next problem. You can call a technician to get this fixed. Since it is a pressurized system, the repair might only last one season. You might have to replace the whole coil. There are a lot of HVAC problems that people face. It is good to perform regular maintenance so that you don’t have to buy a new unit altogether.