Do Your Appliances Need Repairing? Contact a Repair Service and Cross Those Items Off of Your To-Do List

When appliances aren’t working efficiently or when they completely break down, it goes without saying that we want to have them repaired as soon as possible. Like yesterday, for example. It’s amazing how much we rely on these modern conveniences to simplify our daily lives.
Given our busy schedules, however, it can often be challenging to find the best time to call for a repair. In some instances, however, repairs just can’t wait. Our refrigerators, for example. That said,we want to find quick, reliable, and friendly service as soon as possible.
The Cost to Repair an Appliance
The average cost to repair appliances in 2014 was between $254 to $275. Prices today continue to range in price, and will depend on the issue. If any parts are needed to complete the repair, that, too, will be a factor.
Appliances and Their Longevity
Some appliances obviously last longer than others. When they receive regular maintenance, appliances will usually be in good working order for the duration of their warranty. Before they need to be replaced, appliances usually have the following lifespans:
- Gas range ovens: 15 years
- Refrigerators: 13 years
- Gas or electric dryer: 13 years
- Washing machine: 10 years
- Dishwasher: 9 years
Some appliances, however, may break down more often. While the percentage does vary, consider these typical examples:
- Dishwashers: 3 to 4 years
- Front-loading washing machines: 3 to 4 years
- Refrigerators with top or bottom freezers that have ice-makers: 3 to 4 years
- Side-by-side refrigerator/freezers with ice-makers: 3 to 4 years
Once our much-need appliances are repaired, our lives can go back to normal. At some point, though, we may decide it’s time to remodel our kitchen along with other rooms in the house. Purchasing a new oven, refrigerator, and other appliances will likely be at the top of our home improvement list.
If we’re remodeling to sell, purchasing new appliances also makes sense. Kitchen remodels alone can increase a home’s value, and bring a solid return on our investment. Adding a new bathroom or updating the laundry room may both make a difference in a home’s resale value as well.