Repairing Your Home Hot Water Heater

Your hot water heater is an important part of your home both in making sure that your home is comfortable and that you have hot water to use in the home. When your water heater starts to go out or when there is damage, knowing how to repair it can make a big difference. The first step is to inspect the water heater.
This is going to be checking for things like standing water, lights that might be flashing on the tank, and more. You also need to remove the panel and then look to see if the pilot light is lit.
Some issues you might deal with could be the thermopile or the gas control valve. You can test to see if these are issues. If either fails, you may need to replace them. You may also have a gas supply issue, you may have a heating element issue and you may also have issues with the overall gas valves that help to keep the water heater from working. Checking for simple issues is the first step toward seeing what might be causing trouble with a gas water heater. With the help of a great technician, you can get it back working.