When It’s Time For a New Bathtub

We often think of bathtubs as a haven to cleanse ourselves of all the germs and grime from our daily environment. But a damaged bathtub can actually harbor a myriad of dirt and germs, defeating the purpose of a bath altogether. Water leakage can lead to the build up of mold and mildew in one’s bathtub. In the event of bathtub damage, one must consider whether it’s more practical to replace the tub altogether or invest in bathtub repair. Bathtub installation costs vary depending on several factors, so depending on the situation and severity of damage, it might be wise to simply have the existing bathtub repaired by professionals. In other cases, a new bathtub might be the answer.
Bathtub Damage: What to Look For
The biggest problem one can have with a bathtub is water leakage. This occurs when there is damage to the plumbing system in one’s home. If a pipe is cracked, even slightly, water that is meant to go cleanly through the pipe to the bathtub can leak elsewhere, rusting the pipes and making them even weaker. This excess water can damage the floor underneath the tub as well, along with the walls around it. If you see signs of mildew or mold, have a professional take a look at your plumbing to make sure the pipes are sound.
Not only can you see signs of water leakage, you can sometimes smell them, too. The excess moisture from leaking pipes can result in a musty scent. If your bathroom starts to smell different or odd, this is a good cue to have someone look at your pipes and bathtub.
Repair or Installation?
After locating a leakage, there’s a good chance that your bathtub is in need of some kind of repair. If the damage is minor and caught early on, it’s almost a no brainer to simply have the bathtub refinished by a professional. The process typically only takes a few hours, and a tub that is glazed properly can last another 10 years. But if the damage is severe and the bathtub is up there in age, it might be time to consider getting a new bathtub altogether.
For most people, the cost of repair or installation will be the deciding factor, so here are some things to consider when it comes to the cost of bathtub installation and bathtub repair.
Bathtub Installation Cost
As stated earlier, the cost of bathtub installation is not static across the board. There are several kinds of bathtubs of various shapes and sizes, made of different materials, and with special features. These factors contribute to the cost of the bathtub itself, which can range anywhere from $200 to $2,000 and beyond. The cost of installation is added on top of this, making the average bathtub installation cost about $2,800. If maintained properly, this new tub will last a long time and add value to one’s property.
Bathtub Repair Cost
Like bathtub installation, the cost bathtub refinishing and repair will vary depending on certain factors, in this case the type of bathtub and the severity of the damage. However, bathtub repair will generally cost around $300 to $400, much cheaper than the average cost of new bathtub installation.
It’s important to keep our bathtubs in good shape. After all, they’re the one place we can go to refresh ourselves and wash away the grime of the day. Keep an eye our for signs of water leakage and mold and mildew on your bathtub. And consider whether or not it’s worth it to invest in a brand new bathtub or simply refinish the one you already have.