What Is a Slab Leak and How Does One Detect It?

You have a leak, and it’s not coming from outside. The faucets are all fine. You can hear the water running even when your appliances are off. So where is it coming from? If your house is situated on a slab foundation, you may have to worry about broken copper pipes beneath the concrete. Slab leak detection is the process of locating the exact source of the leak underneath the house. It’s an important skill for plumbers, but homeowners can benefit from understanding the process, how it works, and why it’s such a valuable service.
The plumbers start with a sewer water test, then double-check everything in the house for leaks. Assuming they find the same results you did, they will then move on to the slab leak detection. This begins by putting in a ball-stopper and testing the water as it comes out of the house to see if there are any leaks from within. If there are breaks here, they will also need to be fixed to avoid foundation damage. With enough testing done in enough spots beneath the house, eventually the plumber will find exactly where the leak is.